Bhaktaachiya potee bodh kaakada jyoti
Pancha prana jeevebhave owaaloo aarthi
Owaaloo aaratee maajyza pandhareenaatha majyza Sainathaa
Donhi kara jodonee charanee ttevilaa mathaa

Born of devotion, the light of perception is the lamp for this dawn Aarti. I do Aarti with my entire being, my mind and fervent faith.

Refrain :

I do Arati, O my Pandharinatha, O my Sainatha (Vithal or Vithoba) and with folded hands, I lay my head at your feet.

Kaay mahima varnoo aataa sangane kitee
Kotee brahma haiyaa makha pahataa jaatee

How shall I describe your greatness? Who can extol it? Even the tremendous sin of killing a thousand brahmins is washed away by your mere darshan.

Rahee rakhmaabaayee ubhya doghee do baahee
Mayur pincha chaamara dhaaliti thaayee che thaayee

Rahi (Radha, surrendered to the incarnation of Saguna Avatar of Pandurang) and Rakhumabai (Rukmini, consort of Pandurang) are standing on either side, and are fanning the Lord with Chamaras (whisks for flies) of peacock feathers.

Tuka mhane deep ghewuni unmaneet shobhaa
Vittevaree ubha dise laawanya gaabhaa. Owaaloo aaratee …

Tuka says, with a lamp in his hand and absorbed in divine contemplation: The beautiful image, standing on the brick, has a divine splendour.

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